Breaking Attorney Client Privilege Why I Support Bud Armstrong
As many people know I have been very open about my battle with Parkinson's disease. However, I do have one secret that has been protected by attorney-client privilege for almost five years. Personally, I really didn't want to bring it up. However, after seeing the candidate going against Mr. Armstrong, trying to go negative, I feel at this time I really got to break down, be a man, face some demons and let the world know who the real Bud Armstrong is, no matter how much this humbles my pride.
Update, just to clarify, this process was done in July of 2011. Bud did not take office until September 2012. More then a year later
OK, when I was freelancing at the Focus, nobody knew what was wrong with me physically, and it kept getting worse and worse. So I had very limited work because just holding the camera took a lot of out me. When I got diagnosed with Parkinson's at such a young age, 36 years old, I was scared. I didn't know my body would react, and I wanted to make sure that I legally had my future affairs in order. Most importantly I wanted to make certain that I did not have to have a stranger decide if I should be on life support or committed to an institution.
As many people know, I have been very vocal about my disease since the day I was diagnosed. Well, after a Republican meeting where I spoke about being diagnosed, Bud Armstrong (who was a private lawyer at the time) came up to me and asked me if there was anything he could do. I did ask him how much a legal will and a living will would cost. He said he "Dan come down to the office, and we will work out a plan."
Well as my attorney, I did confide in Bud a lot of personal information. Including my financial situation. So when we were done, I asked Bud how much all his hard work was going to cost. He turned to me and said "Dan, tell you what. Next time you see me and Patty Jo (his wife) take a nice picture, and we will be even. Patti loves your photos."
That is why I encourage all my friends, family, and voters to please select Bud Armstrong.
Update, just to clarify, this process was done in July of 2011. Bud did not take office until September 2012. More then a year later
Thank you,