My Go Fund Me account and protecting the voting process
If anyone is seriously worried about the election being is what I am willing to do. In the past, I would go poll watching, When I was a newspaper reporter before I got laid off (two weeks ago) I had a pattern. I would start my day off making sure all the election machines work in a random voting precinct. I then check to make sure nobody stole any signs, I also would make sure nobody crossed the 100 feet marker. I would also monitor crowds and lines and give people alternatives. Example, during the Presidental Primary, the line was about a 100 deep at Downtown West and a 45 minute wait. However, at the City County Building, the line was ZERO!
So now that I am a freelance journalist, I can pick and choose whatever I want to cover. So, with Trump continuing to say "the election is rigged," I figure if the public wants to keep an eye on the process, great! If you want someone who will monitor voter traffic and place timely information out to alert people at times of potential quicker voting locations, then donate!
Let me make this abundantly clear, the Board of Elections does an awesome and amazing job. However, that being said, if anyone wants a neutral observer in Knox County, you can donate to my GoFundMe at
So now that I am a freelance journalist, I can pick and choose whatever I want to cover. So, with Trump continuing to say "the election is rigged," I figure if the public wants to keep an eye on the process, great! If you want someone who will monitor voter traffic and place timely information out to alert people at times of potential quicker voting locations, then donate!
Let me make this abundantly clear, the Board of Elections does an awesome and amazing job. However, that being said, if anyone wants a neutral observer in Knox County, you can donate to my GoFundMe at